His info's basically there, but it got cut off for some reason, so I'll retype it to forgo any confusion. You can click on the pictures if you want a bigger picture.
Eric Anneaus
Age: 27
Race: Half(?) Feline (neither he nor Aria will say what the other half is, probably because they don't know themselves.)
Status: Dating, Owner of the Broken Hearts Inn
Family: Sister, Aria; Mother, Lorenda (deceased); Father, (unnamed)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown w/ red bangs
Likes: Order, being feared/respected, his sister, black coffee
Dislikes: Widget, Lance, Terek, stupid things happening in his inn, his father, tea, candy
Fears: If he does fear anything, he's not telling.
Favorite color: Red
Favorite food: Steak
Personality: Eric, on the first impression, usually comes off as an openly hostile person, and usually he is. However, if he trusts and respects you, he can be rather friendly and nice. Since he doesn't trust or respect many people, hardly anyone has seen this side of him other than his family.
History: Eric worked as an adventurer for a few years after college, but he got sick of the hierarchy and bought the Red Ribbon Inn, which he rechristened the Broken Hearts Inn. He co-owns it with Jerry Urth, who takes care of the cooking and housekeeping. Eric currently has eight constant tenants, not including Jerry.
Trivia: His hair is natural, like Aria's.
Eric greatly resembles his mother in appearances, if not in manner.
Eric is extremely protective of his little sister and she is the only one he truly trusts.
Eric has a Seraphsteel morning-star, but he rarely uses it. Apparently he used it in his adventuring days.
Eric seems to have unnatural strength.
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