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al Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Butterfly Notes? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.3 (4 Ratings)??16 Grabs Today. 3124 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy Install Instructio CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My dragon eggs

Scylion's Dragons

Click on these eggs to keep them alive, please!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Much better

Well, looks like I'm over this plague-like disease. Watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Pretty cool movie. Not as good as the first one, but then again, movies based off of children's toys are rarely a good watch, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What is this?!

What is up with this sickness? I've been hacking and feeling miserable for almost a week, and it just won't go away! It's driving me nuts! My entire family has it, so we're all coughing in each others' faces and my dad is being annoying and telling me to "rally".

I'll probably miss my guitar lesson tomorrow, which is just as well because I haven't had any time to practice, what with the horrible illness that has beset me. Ugh.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Well, I was too sick to go to the city today, and I think I'll be too ill to go to youth group tomorrow, but I hope I'm well enough to go, because I get to see my crush. *squeals like a fangirl* I know I sound like a little stupid girl, but whatever. I've never had a boyfriend and I plan to remain a virgin until I get married, so I take the romantic moments where I can with my crushes.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Still feeling crappy. I alternate between feeling blazing hot and freezing cold, I cough whenever I move, my throat feels as though I'm swallowing razor blades, I threw up, and I feel as though I'm gonna keel over from exhaustion at any second. It could be the flu, but I dunno.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sick again

I'm feeling really crappy, with a headache, a really bad cough, a fever, I'm nauseous, exhausted, and I think I may have pneumonia.

Ugh . . .

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No title, really . . .

So I told my parents about my crush holding my hand. I admit, I was a little scared of what they would do, but my mom seemed really happy for me and my dad was, well, my dad. He's really funny about the boys I like. He says he has to do a background check on him now, but at least he doesn't have greasy hair (one of the things he objects to in one of my guy-friends). I'm still really, really happy about the whole thing.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Saka and Anna

A little picture I drew of Anna and Saka, a rather mysterious person whose role is revealed in the story. They be hugging and crying.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today was possibly the best and worst day of my life

So a lot of stuff has happened lately. My parents went to Houston for the Quilt Market, so we have two girls from a family we're friends with staying with us. Not so bad, having Mom and Dad gone, but a little weird.

Anyway, it's been snowing. Snowing. In October.


It's bad enough that winter is coming, but really, in October? I think we have at least six inches, and I live in a place that doesn't usually get a lot of snow even when other places get a bunch. Ugh.

This morning at church a pretty depressing thing happened. After the service, an old lady came up and told me and my brother that the way we had acted wasn't glorifying to God. Granted, I was acting kinda immature and shouldn't have done so, but our pastor is so boring I could fall asleep in his sermons and he always talks in a way that I can't understand and it's about the most obscure and useless parts of the Bible and I can't stand it. Of course, I felt angry, because that's usually the first reaction before embarrassment, which I felt immediately afterward, because my dad is gonna hear about it and he's gonna make me feel like an idiot because I embarrassed the family and all of this crap.

After church, I went over to the other church in the area, where I go to youth group, because frankly, my "Sunday" church has a sucky youth group. Well, my friends had invited me over to watch the Two Towers with them. Since I love the Lord of the Rings, I had agreed, so there I was, sitting on the fold-out bed next to the guy I have a crush on. His hand was kinda resting on the space between our legs, and I laid my hand right next to his, and before I knew it, we were holding hands and he had made it happen. I was so happy, I could have screamed. I didn't, though, because we were watching a movie, but still. So from that point on, we held hands throughout the entire movie and he started holding my hand with both hands and kind of stroking it. In all, about three hours of that, which was like heaven to me. It might not seem like such a huge deal to people who've had a million boyfriends and who've had sex with each and every one of them, but to me? I've never had a boyfriend, the only boy who ever said he liked me (and who I liked back) turned out to be this creepy stalker person, and he's the only boy I've liked who's ever shown any sign of liking me back. When I thought back on it, I cried I was so happy. Also, I had prayed to God earlier that if it was his will, I would like this boy to sit next to me. Well, God did me one better.

Bit of a funny thing: While we were watching, someone said that my crush was Aragorn and that I was most like Eowyn. (They had done this with all of the kids there)

The only problem is, I'm afraid of telling my parents. We didn't do anything besides hold hands, but it feels like everytime something happens that makes me happy my parents crush it into nothing. I mean, I have no freedom whatsoever. I can't read anything besides what they think is decent, I can't watch anything on TV except what they think I should, I can't date, I can't play video games, they think the internet is evil. And everytime I think of complaining, I know my dad is going to pull the "As long as you live under my roof you follow my rules" crap or my mom is going to pull the "Why don't you love me?" crap. I'm sick of it. I feel as though I'm in a cage that's way too small for me and it's getting smaller every day and I'm not sure how much more I can take.

But for now, I'm holding onto those wonderful moments where he was holding my hand.

Monday, October 5, 2009

One of two self portraits I drew this year. I started with the one eye and worked from there. Perhaps not the most realistic, but one of the more truthful of my self-portraits. This is recently after I got the first of my radically shorter haircuts. Before this, it was halfway down my back.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cal, the Metal Mage

Introducing Cal, one of the only real testaments to Exodus trying to scientifically create magic. Brought to Exodus after a bomb destroyed his home and most of his family, most of his left side was destroyed beyond saving, so the Exodus scientists decided to test their new bionic limbs on him. Having no original magic of his own, Cal's arm contains the genes that create magic in other mages, allowing him to harness heat and flame. However, he cannot use this ability in the other arm. Cal has a pretty large crush on Espril, but she's too curious about Loor to notice. Cal is the only mage that has successfully escaped from the Exodus compound for any period of time. However, he was recaptured and a self-destruct command has been placed into his bionic limbs to prevent further breakouts. Also, this is the last mage of the four main ones in my dream

Little note, the anime looking drawing of Cal is the first drawing I did of him, before I switched it to a more realistic style on the other two.

Daedalus, the Blood Mage

Meet Daedalus, the Blood Mage. One of the main antagonists, Daedalus here has the ability to control the blood in his body as a weapon or as a defensive measure. Also, any blood that gets spilled during battle joins his side, so if you get wounded, he basically gets more firepower. He's extremely violent and mentally unstable, so he is usually kept restrained and under tight surveillance. For as yet unexplained reasons, he has a large grudge against Loor. However, he seems to be good friends with yet another largely insane experiment, Bors, and they work for the staff of Exodus because they like fighting. So far, Daedalus hasn't been collared, but he will be if he turns out to be a threat to the Exodus compound.

Espril, the Barrier Mage

This is Espril, the girl mage from my dream. She can create barriers that can repel almost any attack and can heal minor injuries. While she wears a collar, she doesn't believe that it's for any bad reason, as she is very trusting of the staff of the Exodus compound. She is pretty much the pet project and is sheltered from most of the more grisly parts of the operation, so she doesn't know why Zain is blind, why some children never return from the forbidden rooms, and why Loor has such a bad attitude about it all. She's pretty naive and sweet.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Zain, the Sight Mage.

So, this is one of the other dudes from my dream involving Loor. Zain is the sight mage, meaning he has visions of the future, past, and present, sometimes all at once. He's also blind, and people are told that it was an unfortunate accident before he came to the Exodus compound. He is one of the few mages who have to wear a restriction collar to prevent him from using his magic against the staff of Exodus 5. He and Loor are not precisely friends, but they have a mutual respect for each other. As a red-shirt, he is one of the labs top priority experiments, so he recieves much better treatment than some of the other mages. Despite being blind, he has a pretty uncanny knowledge of people's personal habits and the sounds their footsteps make.
Copyright 2009 Christine Powers