I'm afraid. I'm so afraid of dying and finding out my life has been a lie and I'm banished to hell. But that's what it feels like my father is saying to me every time I screw up or do something that falls outside of his definition of right. And every time he says this to me, he uses this patronizing, arrogant tone that makes me just never want to have anything to do with Christianity again. I'm so sick of feeling like I can never do anything right in his eyes, or in the eyes of my mother, or in the eyes of God. Every emotion inside of me that has ever been is being slowly forced away by my parents, who say that I'm not allowed to do things that make me happy; I'm not allowed to have any freedom; I'm too stupid to make my own decisions. I'm supposed to be a good little puppet, allowed only to do the things which they deem "good" and never allowed to let my own voice be heard. If I read a book which they don't think is appropriate, it's as though I've committed murder. They tell me that they want to be a godly family, but do I see them following their own rules? Rarely. Am I allowed to express myself? Never. Are they allowed to dump their crap on me whenever I screw up? Well of course, because they are my parents and I'm just a stupid teenager. Are my emotions any less valuable than theirs? Well, apparently so because that's what they're telling me every time they get angry.
I hate life. I hate it so much. All it has ever done is bring me sadness and pain. I can't wait to die because then I'll be free and I'll be allowed to live with God, where he won't criticize my actions and thoughts.
I don't like it how I never feel as though I can measure up to the people I know in terms of Christianity. Does that mean I'm not a Christian? Does it mean that I'm a terrible person and if I ever tell anyone this that I'll be judged and cast out of the fellowship of God? Would I even care? I don't know. I want to be a Christian.
I'm just so tired of life right now. If I died would anyone even care?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Posted by C J Powers at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: depression
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Recently (well, okay, a few months ago), while talking to a friend, I was introduced to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and fell in love with it immediately. The story is exactly the kind I like to read and the characters are great.
Well, today I learned that they were making a movie out of "The Lightning Thief" the first book, and I totally geeked out about it. I screamed and jumped up and down for a good hour or so after seeing the commercial. Let me tell you, it looks absolutely effin' EPIC! And the guy who plays Percy is totally hot. *stares off into space for a moment, smiling dreamily*
Posted by C J Powers at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: life the universe and everything, movies, my geekiness, random stuff, the awesomeness that is Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Saturday, November 14, 2009
God, I can't take it anymore!
I mean, for the sake of all that is holy, WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO GET SICK?! It's driving me up the wall, because I get sick almost every other week and I'm fed up with it. I am seriously beginning to consider that I was cursed or something. I want to go see a doctor and find out just what the heck is wrong with me because I'm sick all the time. It interferes with everything: school, exercise, hanging out with my friends, and I am so goddamned tired of being sick. I feel like shit two-thirds of the time.
Posted by C J Powers at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, random stuff, sickness, things that make me mad
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dad's B-Day!
Well, today's my dad's birthday. He's gonna be ** years old! I was in charge of making the icing and actually applying it to the cake, but it turned out to be as ugly as homemade sin. This was mostly due to the fact that during the baking of the cake, my mom had some trouble getting one of the layers out of the pan and it got all broken, so trying to ice it was like trying to apply gold leaf. It kept. Falling. Apart. It was only with a very generous application of icing was I able to keep it together in the semblance of a cake.
I'm sure it'll taste fine, though. I hope my dad likes his presents.
Posted by C J Powers at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life is busy, life the universe and everything, random stuff
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Much better
Well, looks like I'm over this plague-like disease. Watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Pretty cool movie. Not as good as the first one, but then again, movies based off of children's toys are rarely a good watch, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, movies, random stuff, sickness
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What is this?!
What is up with this sickness? I've been hacking and feeling miserable for almost a week, and it just won't go away! It's driving me nuts! My entire family has it, so we're all coughing in each others' faces and my dad is being annoying and telling me to "rally".
I'll probably miss my guitar lesson tomorrow, which is just as well because I haven't had any time to practice, what with the horrible illness that has beset me. Ugh.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, sickness, the days of blah
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Well, I was too sick to go to the city today, and I think I'll be too ill to go to youth group tomorrow, but I hope I'm well enough to go, because I get to see my crush. *squeals like a fangirl* I know I sound like a little stupid girl, but whatever. I've never had a boyfriend and I plan to remain a virgin until I get married, so I take the romantic moments where I can with my crushes.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, random stuff, romance
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Still feeling crappy. I alternate between feeling blazing hot and freezing cold, I cough whenever I move, my throat feels as though I'm swallowing razor blades, I threw up, and I feel as though I'm gonna keel over from exhaustion at any second. It could be the flu, but I dunno.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, random stuff, sickness
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Sick again
I'm feeling really crappy, with a headache, a really bad cough, a fever, I'm nauseous, exhausted, and I think I may have pneumonia.
Ugh . . .
Posted by C J Powers at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, random stuff, sickness, the days of blah
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
No title, really . . .
So I told my parents about my crush holding my hand. I admit, I was a little scared of what they would do, but my mom seemed really happy for me and my dad was, well, my dad. He's really funny about the boys I like. He says he has to do a background check on him now, but at least he doesn't have greasy hair (one of the things he objects to in one of my guy-friends). I'm still really, really happy about the whole thing.
Posted by C J Powers at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, relationships, romance
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saka and Anna
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Today was possibly the best and worst day of my life
So a lot of stuff has happened lately. My parents went to Houston for the Quilt Market, so we have two girls from a family we're friends with staying with us. Not so bad, having Mom and Dad gone, but a little weird.
Anyway, it's been snowing. Snowing. In October.
It's bad enough that winter is coming, but really, in October? I think we have at least six inches, and I live in a place that doesn't usually get a lot of snow even when other places get a bunch. Ugh.
This morning at church a pretty depressing thing happened. After the service, an old lady came up and told me and my brother that the way we had acted wasn't glorifying to God. Granted, I was acting kinda immature and shouldn't have done so, but our pastor is so boring I could fall asleep in his sermons and he always talks in a way that I can't understand and it's about the most obscure and useless parts of the Bible and I can't stand it. Of course, I felt angry, because that's usually the first reaction before embarrassment, which I felt immediately afterward, because my dad is gonna hear about it and he's gonna make me feel like an idiot because I embarrassed the family and all of this crap.
After church, I went over to the other church in the area, where I go to youth group, because frankly, my "Sunday" church has a sucky youth group. Well, my friends had invited me over to watch the Two Towers with them. Since I love the Lord of the Rings, I had agreed, so there I was, sitting on the fold-out bed next to the guy I have a crush on. His hand was kinda resting on the space between our legs, and I laid my hand right next to his, and before I knew it, we were holding hands and he had made it happen. I was so happy, I could have screamed. I didn't, though, because we were watching a movie, but still. So from that point on, we held hands throughout the entire movie and he started holding my hand with both hands and kind of stroking it. In all, about three hours of that, which was like heaven to me. It might not seem like such a huge deal to people who've had a million boyfriends and who've had sex with each and every one of them, but to me? I've never had a boyfriend, the only boy who ever said he liked me (and who I liked back) turned out to be this creepy stalker person, and he's the only boy I've liked who's ever shown any sign of liking me back. When I thought back on it, I cried I was so happy. Also, I had prayed to God earlier that if it was his will, I would like this boy to sit next to me. Well, God did me one better.
Bit of a funny thing: While we were watching, someone said that my crush was Aragorn and that I was most like Eowyn. (They had done this with all of the kids there)
The only problem is, I'm afraid of telling my parents. We didn't do anything besides hold hands, but it feels like everytime something happens that makes me happy my parents crush it into nothing. I mean, I have no freedom whatsoever. I can't read anything besides what they think is decent, I can't watch anything on TV except what they think I should, I can't date, I can't play video games, they think the internet is evil. And everytime I think of complaining, I know my dad is going to pull the "As long as you live under my roof you follow my rules" crap or my mom is going to pull the "Why don't you love me?" crap. I'm sick of it. I feel as though I'm in a cage that's way too small for me and it's getting smaller every day and I'm not sure how much more I can take.
But for now, I'm holding onto those wonderful moments where he was holding my hand.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, relationships, romance
Monday, October 5, 2009
One of two self portraits I drew this year. I started with the one eye and worked from there. Perhaps not the most realistic, but one of the more truthful of my self-portraits. This is recently after I got the first of my radically shorter haircuts. Before this, it was halfway down my back.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, depression, drawings, sketches
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Cal, the Metal Mage
Introducing Cal, one of the only real testaments to Exodus trying to scientifically create magic. Brought to Exodus after a bomb destroyed his home and most of his family, most of his left side was destroyed beyond saving, so the Exodus scientists decided to test their new bionic limbs on him. Having no original magic of his own, Cal's arm contains the genes that create magic in other mages, allowing him to harness heat and flame. However, he cannot use this ability in the other arm. Cal has a pretty large crush on Espril, but she's too curious about Loor to notice. Cal is the only mage that has successfully escaped from the Exodus compound for any period of time. However, he was recaptured and a self-destruct command has been placed into his bionic limbs to prevent further breakouts. Also, this is the last mage of the four main ones in my dream
Little note, the anime looking drawing of Cal is the first drawing I did of him, before I switched it to a more realistic style on the other two.
Posted by C J Powers at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, characters, drawings, dreams, Exodus 5
Daedalus, the Blood Mage
Meet Daedalus, the Blood Mage. One of the main antagonists, Daedalus here has the ability to control the blood in his body as a weapon or as a defensive measure. Also, any blood that gets spilled during battle joins his side, so if you get wounded, he basically gets more firepower. He's extremely violent and mentally unstable, so he is usually kept restrained and under tight surveillance. For as yet unexplained reasons, he has a large grudge against Loor. However, he seems to be good friends with yet another largely insane experiment, Bors, and they work for the staff of Exodus because they like fighting. So far, Daedalus hasn't been collared, but he will be if he turns out to be a threat to the Exodus compound.
Posted by C J Powers at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, characters, drawings, Exodus 5, sketches
Espril, the Barrier Mage
This is Espril, the girl mage from my dream. She can create barriers that can repel almost any attack and can heal minor injuries. While she wears a collar, she doesn't believe that it's for any bad reason, as she is very trusting of the staff of the Exodus compound. She is pretty much the pet project and is sheltered from most of the more grisly parts of the operation, so she doesn't know why Zain is blind, why some children never return from the forbidden rooms, and why Loor has such a bad attitude about it all. She's pretty naive and sweet.
Posted by C J Powers at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, characters, drawings, Exodus 5
Friday, October 2, 2009
Zain, the Sight Mage.
Posted by C J Powers at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, characters, drawings, Exodus 5, random stuff
Sunday, September 27, 2009
One more character
Well, with Ticia out of the way, that only leaves one more character to be put up, so stay tuned for the last character sheet!
Posted by C J Powers at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: characters, Fallen Feathers comic
Ticia Bedaoin
Posted by C J Powers at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, characters, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Friday, September 25, 2009
Interview with Anna de Johnn
As I sit down, I smile, searching the dark shadow underneath the hood for a glimpse of a face. The person refuses to give me the pleasure of seeing their face, instead reaching into the folds of its cloak and retrieving a small silver medallion.
“Take it.”
The voice, soft and slightly hoarse, is a woman’s, or perhaps more accurately, a girl’s. Confidently, I reach out and take the slightly warm silver. Since I am not a demon, the metal does not sear my flesh. If it had burned me, or if I had refused to take the silver, I had no doubt that the girl would have killed me where I sat.
Satisfied, the girl takes back her medallion and pushes her hood back a few inches, revealing a pale oval face with bright green eyes.
“I understand you wanted to ask me some questions?” she asks, still a little warily. I understand her anxiety; it is so difficult to trust anyone in this world what with demons everywhere.
“Yes,” I answer. “I am very interested in your story, Anna de Johnn.”
She twitches at the sound of her own name.
“Now, about you, Anna,” I continue. “Could you please tell me how you came to be in this world?”
She jerks again, this time in surprise.
“You know a lot for a human,” she says, eyeing me curiously.
“Not really,” I reply, “I just use my eyes and ears. But please, I wish to hear this story.”
I already have a pen and notebook with me, so I listen as Anna recounts the events of her travels up to this point. But these, I know about. I want to know a few more things about her.
“Anna, would you mind if I asked you a few more personal questions?”
“I suppose not,” she says, looking thoughtful.
“All right then. What do you really think of all of the other Destined?”
Her brow wrinkles.
“Well, I suppose Monica is a decent person, but she’s a little overeager, if you know what I mean. She’s just bursting with excitement about being a warrior. I sometimes wish that I had that kind of enthusiasm. Kealia is nice, but she’s very carefree. She wants to defeat the demons, but I get the feeling that she’d rather do it later. Sae is probably the person I trust most. She’s saved my life a few times and she was the first person to swear loyalty to me. And Jacqueline? I don’t like her. Period. She’s a horrible, nasty, selfish little snob who cares about no one but herself. As much as I hate it, I have to work with her in order to save this world.”
I nod, scribbling a few notes on the notepad and adding a few more lines to the picture of Anna that I am doodling.
“How is your relationship with Zeira?”
Anna smiles.
“Well, it’s difficult to tell sometimes. You see, sometimes I think she hates me and sometimes I think she’s really fond of me. She’s risked her life for me many times and I’ve done the same for her. Dragons are pretty difficult to figure out, but I’ve been getting the hang of it. I really think that we’re starting to work as a team.”
“What about Saka?”
She starts, almost upsetting the table in her surprise.
“Saka?” she stammers, clasping her hands firmly in front of her to stop their shaking. “I . . . I don’t have any relationship with him . . .”
She trails off, looking embarrassed.
“Well, how about one last question before I leave: If given the chance, would you go back to Ygen?”
Anna doesn’t move, instead studying her interlaced fingers.
“You know,” she says finally, “if you had asked me that question when I first came here, before I witnessed all of the hardships of this world, then I would have said yes. But now, after I’ve witnessed the demons’ cruelty and the desperation of these people, I say no. I’ll stay and fight for them.”
I smile and stand. Anna looks up, slightly alarmed by my sudden rise.
“So that’s all?” she asks, pulling the hood further over her face.
“Why did you want to know all of this anyway? Are you a scribe?”
“Something like that,” I answer, as I walk out of the door and away from Anna de Johnn.
Posted by C J Powers at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: characters, Eltia, interviews, my books
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Posted by C J Powers at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, characters, drawings, dreams
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Pencil Pic of Widget
Posted by C J Powers at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: art, characters, random stuff, sketches
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Terek, Fire Domain
Posted by C J Powers at 11:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, characters, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Fallen Feathers pg 2
So, here's the second page of fallen feathers. Basically, it's just a recap of the various stuff I already told you about, only with pictures! Yeah, the next comic will actually have story in it! Woohoo! It'll also be in color, I think. Still not too sure on how it'll work. I'll try to have a comic up at least once a week. By the way, in case you couldn't tell: the symbols that I've drawn near each class is the standard identification of each race/class. Hope you enjoy!
Posted by C J Powers at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hey nonexistant readers.
How's it going? Good, good.
I've decided, that regardless of the readership (or lack thereof) I will continue on my comic. Expect some style changes throughout. I change the way I draw every week or so.
Anyway, stay beautiful, eat lots of muffins, and don't forget to wash between your ears.
Posted by C J Powers at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Annabelle Rowanbark
Annabelle Rowanbark
Age: 23
Race: Rabbit Druid
Status: Dating, is currently looking for a possible apprentice
Family: Father, (unamed); Mother, Caroline; Brother, Henry
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blue
Likes: Nature, quiet places, gardening, her boyfriend Daniel, all kinds of trees, flowers, and animals, frozen yogurt
Dislikes: Big cities, pollution, cruelty of any kind, getting her hair pulled
Fears: Getting her druid grove destroyed
Favorite Color: Pink and blue
Favorite Food: Salad
Personality: Annabelle is the quiet, sweet, motherly sort of person who always seems to be ready to help you. She dislikes fighting, and rarely engages in arguments, instead trying to break up the argument with her considerable druid powers. She has never been heard to raise her voice, and is usually seen in her garden, singing to her flowers.
History: Annabelle, from a very early age, dreamed of becoming a druid, because she wanted to be able to make her little garden grow. At the age of fifteen, she got her wish, when she was apprenticed to Bathalzar, one of the lesser-known druids. After training under him for five years, Bathalzar was killed in a feud between him and Daray, a more powerful druid. Annabelle tried to avenge Bathalzar, but Daray defeated her with ease. To this day, Annabelle is not fully sure why Daray spared her life. Annabelle, after spending some time with other druids, and a brief stint as a dancer in the court of the Desert King, eventually ended up in Lamierne, where she took up residence at the Broken Hearts Inn.
Fun Facts: Annabelle has a natural affinity for oak trees, and can summon the guardian of oak quite easily.
Annabelle has never cut her hair, as she likes it long.
Annabelle has a beautiful voice, but is very shy about singing in public.
Posted by C J Powers at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, characters, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Feeling better
This week was way better than last week, though now both my parents are sick, one with pink eye and one with strep throat, so it hasn't been the best few days. I'd say more, but I'm tired, so g'night, to my nonexistant readers.
Posted by C J Powers at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: depression, life is busy, life the universe and everything
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Still feel like crap. Was tired all day and I'm really crabby and mean to everyone. I'm seeing a counselor tomorrow. I wanna sleep for a thousand years and not wake up the whole time.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Right now, at this very moment, I feel like I could kill myself. I just feel like I've hit an alltime low in my life and I have no idea why. I'm tired all the time, I'm getting this awful headaches, and I just don't feel like I want to face tomorrow. I have no interest in anything at all. I feel like no one cares who I am or what I think or what I want to do with my life or if I live or die. Can any of you even imagine what that feels like? To sit there and think that no one cares about you at all? I just want to sleep and never, ever wake up.
Posted by C J Powers at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: depression
Page 1 (Fallen Feathers)
Posted by C J Powers at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Today I'm feeling really tired and run-down. Headaches abound and I feel like I'm going to keel over from exhaustion. Meh.
Posted by C J Powers at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life is busy, life the universe and everything, random stuff
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My future husband?
Sometimes I really want to know who I'm going to marry. I want to know so bad, because I want someone to say "I love you" to me. That doesn't mean that I'm going to go and sleep with some guy because he says he loves me, but I want the guy who's meant for me to be here with me.
My dad jokes about it, saying that he has my husband already picked out. He's fooling around, but I know I have someone out there picked out for me.
Recently I've been having recurring dreams about a boy. Its not in the traditional sense, really, where I know him or anything, or even that he's the main focus of the dream, but the dreams usually go something like this: I'm somewhere, with a bunch of boys I know, who all seem to have a crush on me and want to be my boyfriend and stuff. I feel really uncomfortable and I'm trying to get away, and then all of a sudden, this boy walks past. For some reason, I want to see him, and he catches my eye and I think he smiles. Its weird because when I wake up I can't remember his face. I think he's blonde, though. We were even dancing this one time, but I can't remember what he looked like or who he was. The weird thing is that he usually isn't the main part of the dream, he's just sort of there. In other dreams where its about a boy I know and like, they're the main focus of the dream, but here, this boy just exists.
To myself, I kind of joke that he's supposed to be my husband in the future, and I kind of like the idea. Maybe if I ever meet him, then I'll fall in love. Nice thought, huh?
Posted by C J Powers at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, dreams, life the universe and everything, random stuff, relationships
Have you ever been in this sort of situation? Someone tells you you're beautiful, but you don't really think so? (This really only applies to girls, really)
I have had a total of six people in my life tell me I'm beautiful, and two of them are my parents, while a third is my baby brother. So three people outside of my family, one of them a boy, two of them women older than me.
Normally, I don't believe that I'm beautiful at all, or pretty, or anything. The only parts of my face I like are my eyes and my mouth, and my hair, but none of it really makes me think that I'm beautiful.
God looks at the heart, right? That would be nice, to have a guy who did that, instead of looking at my outside.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: about the blog, life the universe and everything, random stuff, relationships
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Maybe not so foolish after all?
In regards to my last post, I believe I may have scared my two main accusers off. It quickly degenerated into personal insults from their side and no real arguments, and they weren't answering my questions at all. Eventually, some of the other posters told them to knock it off, and after that they left. I believe they resorted to insults because they had no other arguments. In fact, one of the other posters told me that I was very intelligent and eloquent, which was a very nice thing to hear. I didn't convince anyone, but I did show that I was able to defend my faith. With God's help, maybe I'll convince someone. Not all of them are fools, really. I was just really frustrated.
Blah, now I'm really tired and somewhat depressed for no reason at all. G'night, all.
Posted by C J Powers at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: debates on the homefront, life is busy, life the universe and everything, random stuff, religion
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I am just really frustrated right now. I joined a forum recently and I've been talking about my faith, but people just keep shooting me down whenever I try to make a point. They keep insisting that the Bible is lies, Jesus is a lie, all Christians are bigots that keep forcing their faith on others whether they like it or not. I am just so sick of it. I just want to shake all of them and scream in their faces, but that would make me into just what they say I am. Maybe that's why I want to be a public speaker about Jesus so much, to tell these people the Good News and maybe even convince a few to accept him.
I want the eloquence of God to deal with these people, to be able to stand up and say, "I am a Christian, what I believe is true, and I can answer any questions and defend my faith proudly."
Please Lord, give me strength and speech to speak to these people.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: life the universe and everything, religion
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
From one of my forum posts:
"I realize this is a touchy subject to get into, but i'm going to give it a try and see if i can avoid any shrapnel.
I am not for gay rights, but what I mean by that is that I am not for a government sanctioned bill of gay rights, or for gay marriages. Yes, they are people, but they are people who have chosen a lifestyle which is contrary to God's law.
This is one of those "Love the sinner, hate the sin" situations where we must accept that they have chosen to be gay, and that we cannot force them to change, but rather show them that we will still show them God's love.
Likewise, I don't think that gay people should try to force us to accept them. It only shows that they are insecure in their choice and that if they are accepted as gay, that defines them. It will also push farther away the people who do not accept gays in any way, shape, or form.
I'm also seeing God dragged into this as a horrible, judgemental dictator who will smite you if you step out of line. That is not true at all. Even if you are the most despicable person on earth, who has broken every single one of his commandments, he will still love you. The only problem is, people seem to view Christianity as a one-step fix: "Okay, I accepted Jesus, now I'm set." Also not true, although if you accept Jesus for real, you will go to heaven. Christianity is not just a choice, it is a choice that you make every single day: Whether or not to attempt to live as God wants you too. If you screw up, that's fine, as long as you're sorry for the sin and try not to make the same mistake again. And yet everyone thinks the moment they step out of line, they step out of heaven. Think of it this way: you were born again in Christ. When you are born, can you be unborn?"
Somehow I got from gay rights to a sermon on God, but it felt right at the time and I feel a great sadness whenever I see people with a warped concept of God and his image.
Posted by C J Powers at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: life the universe and everything, my problems with society, random stuff, religion, thoughts on God
Monday, May 18, 2009
Blargh. I just had some bloodwork done today. I hate needles with a vengeance. It doesn't really hurt that much, and I can deal with the pinching pain, but the whole idea of stabbing yourself with a sharp implement makes my stomach twist. Anyway, its for my depression medication, to make sure there's nothing bodily causing the depression and its a brain thing.
Posted by C J Powers at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: life is busy, life the universe and everything, random stuff
Anna St John
Posted by C J Powers at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, characters, drawings, Eltia, sketches
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Eltia: The Return of the Warrior
So, I said that I was going to post the plot, so here goes. Be warned though, I suck at summarizing.
Basically, there is a new world, Eltia, which is fine and dandy, until demons try and overrun it. It a great battle that rages through the heavens, the demons are cast into a great chasm called Ov and sealed within. However, an angel called Torlok rebels against the heavens and releases the demons onto Eltia. The humans are overwhelmed and flee helplessly from place to place until they reach the Shadowood, where an angel gives the people four gifts, one each to a certain group of people, and sends them to another world called Ygen, to wait out the worst of the demon invasion. The gifts are Knowledge, Communion, Strength, and Destiny. The ones who recieve Knowledge become elves. The ones who recieve Communion become fey(but not the type you might be thinking). The ones who recieve Strength become dwarves, and the five who recieve Destiny become the Destined, the five warriors of Eltia, with an animal companion and mastery over one of the five elements, ice, earth, wind, stone, and fire. These five become the greatest heroes of all time, until they die and a prophecy is given. The prophecy states that the descendant of Anir the warrior of fire, as well as the other four Destined, will one day return and smite the evil once and for all. For hundreds of years, people built up an idea of their savior. I bet none of them expected a thirteen year old girl.
Basically, that's the premise. Anna St John, my protagonist, has to become the warrior of fire, the Dragonmaster, and save a world she doesn't really belong to. She also has to learn to trust her allies, control her power, and defeat the greatest evil the world has ever known. But hey, no pressure, Anna.
Posted by C J Powers at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Eltia
Posted by C J Powers at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Vayr, the Gryphon of the Gryphonmaster
So, this is the first picture I've posted that has a realistic style. No shading though, because I want to color this one. I spent a lot of time on the wings. When it wasn't finished, my dad said something really annoying to the effect that he thought it looked like a beak was coming out of a lion butt. To which I was annoyed and angry, and finished the picture rather quickly. The wings aren't completely realisitic, but I accept that.
Anyway, this is Vayr, one of the characters in my book. She is the gryphon of the Gryphonmaster, which makes no sense unless you know the plot, which I will post somewhere. She has a very playful and fun personality and likes to poke fun at people.
Harvest 2009
Last night I went to Harvest 2009 with Greg Laurie preaching. Technically, I went to see Relient K playing. Relient K is an awesome band.
Anyway, I thought the talk was great, and when they asked for the people who wanted to receive Christ to come forward, I felt as though God wanted me to go, even though I'm already saved. I'm still not sure if I did what he wanted me to do, but I think I finally know what he wants me to do with my life.
Funny isn't it? A week after I say I don't know what I want to do with my life, I say I do know what I want to do. I believe God wants me to become a speaker. Like, a person who talks to large groups of people about God and his love, and my own story and things like that. I don't know how I'll go about it, but if it's what God wants, then it will work out.
Posted by C J Powers at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: life the universe and everything, religion
Friday, May 15, 2009
Sup, peeps?
Hey, I'm back from a trip to Colorado, which was extremely fun, except for the whole "crammed into one car with my three brothers" thing. We got to Colorado Springs on Mother's Day, where we had brunch and went to the mall for some stuff.
The next day was a trip to the zoo and the Garden of the Gods. The zoo was great. Feeding the giraffes was hilarious, and watching a grizzly climb down a wall is remarkably similar to a toddler getting off a bed. I had a great time with an orangutan named Tujoh, who played a game with me where I'd copy his hand positions on the glass. It was really fun playing with him and I left wishing I had my own orangutan.
The Garden of the Gods was interesting, because some of the rock formations were really amazing. However, one of my brothers was really being a jerk and it wasn't all that fun.
The best part of the trip was Great Sand Dunes National Park. It is an extremely weird place with these ginormous sand dunes right smack-dab in front of the Sange de Cristo Mountains. When we visited, it was really windy and a dust devil actually passed over me and my brothers. The wind whipped against our legs, driving little tiny sand particles deep into our skin. In other words, it stung. Like heck. My mom and my baby brother turned back after a while because they didn't like it. Wimps. My dad, my brothers, and I hiked on for a little while longer, then we rolled down a sand dune and I managed to take home half the sand dune in my pants. Then we hiked back to the creek that runs in front of the dunes and splashed around in that for a while. I tried to take a nap, but I have been plagued with insomnia that I think comes from my new depression medication, so I can't sleep without a melatonin. It's annoying.
Anyway, the Sand Dunes National Park is in the middle of nowhere, so it took some driving to get back to Denver, where we went to the museum of Nature and Science. To be frank, the only interesting thing about it was the Expedition: Heath exhibit where you did all this physical stuff and you could age your face to seventy(which was really creepy) and perform experiments and stuff. The rest was dogma about evolution and Darwin and all this stuff, which bored and aggravated me.
And the next day we left and came back home. It was nice to be home, but kinda boring too.
Posted by C J Powers at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: life is busy, random stuff, vacation
Friday, May 8, 2009
Raindrops on Roses
These are a few of my favorite things (haha, Sound of Music reference)
Warm laundry
Writing my book (and hearing people's feedback on it. )
Sitting in front of a computer while wrapped in a warm blanket
Reading *good* books
Running around like a crazy person
Sleeping under warm sheets on a cold day
The beach
God/Jesus (they really go hand-in-hand ) (x1,000,000,000)
Cuddling with my puppy-dogs
Standing in the shower and just letting the hot water run over me
Eating warm cookies with cold milk
Sunny days
Rainy days
Old movies
Making up sentences that sound dramatic (which usually lead to more stories!! )
Sitting in trees (or under them for that matter)
Art in general
Thinking up exciting stories for mundane things (which also lead to more stories! )
Cute fuzzy creatures
Funny people
My friends ( you guys rock my socks!)
My stuffed bear, Harry
Music (either listening to it, playing it, or writing it myself )
My guitar(His name is David)
The smell of turpentine (for oil painting. The fumes can get to you after a while. ;D )
Washing my hair
Listening to people talking about God
Vacations to places I've never been
The sound of bagpipes
The heaviness of the air before a storm, the thunder and patter of the rain during a storm, and the fresh scent of rain after a storm
The mournful sound of Celtic music as I'm writing
Kittens and puppies
The scent of my dog's head
The blank pages of a new sketchbook
Fresh, cold, water
Kisses from my baby brother
Pecan/Pumpkin Pie
Making up stories with my brothers
Youth Group
The scent of jasmine
Peppermint Gum
Vanilla Ice Cream
Acting on stage
The sound of a well-played violin
The sound of a well-played piano
Sitting in a bookstore or library just reading
Reading manga
Singing the songs I wrote
Posted by C J Powers at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, life the universe and everything, random stuff
I know, a pretty deep topic to get into, right? This probably won't be the only time I broach the subject though. My faith is a topic of great thought for me, both good and bad.
Mostly, my problems arise when I meet people who really seem driven for God. They know what they want to do, where they are going and how they are getting there, and I always worry, deep down, "What if I'm not good enough for them?"
I am a Christian, but I don't know what I want to do with my life yet. Actually, I don't know what God wants me to do with my life yet. But I always worry because these people seem so . . . passionate for God, and I worry, "Will they call me a non-Christian because I like this or because I do that?"
Posted by C J Powers at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: life the universe and everything, religion
The Creatures of Night
Do not turn out the light
For the creatures of night
Shall come and take you away.
From under your bed,
They'll crawl into your head,
And hold you under their sway.
They feed on your fear,
So draw you sheets near,
Shut your eyes tight and pray,
That they're in a good mood,
And not looking for food,
And maybe they just want to play.
Who is this that draws close?
Is it some fiend or ghost?
Or a specter, all dressed in gray?
Is it a monster in green?
Who dares not to be seen?
Or a head,laid out on a tray?
The floor outside creaks,
The door handle squeaks,
And the room is bright as day.
Surely now is the hour
To call on God's power,
To save you from the . . . but wait!
Your sister comes in,
And says with a grin,
"It's time to turn out the light."
She flips the switch,
(You think she's a witch)
And vanishes from sight.
But now, can't you see,
Where now you must be,
You're alone with the creatures of night!
Suddenly, He's near,
Whispering in your ear,
"Be still, feel no fright."
"I will stay near,
And I won't leave you here,
You're safe from the creatures of night."
"So be still little child,
Sleep for a while,
Do not worry about your plight."
"I'll be by your side,
and I'll be your guide,
I'll keep away the creatures of night."
An oldish poem about night and the fears that it holds, mainly the fear of the unknown, and that God will be there for you always. Taken from an old journal.
Posted by C J Powers at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: poems
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Widget, Light Domain
Posted by C J Powers at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Okay, so there's this guy that I know from my youth group. He's a nice guy, a Christian, and he's a good friend of mine. Well, a couple of weeks ago, he asked me out. I'm not allowed to date, so I turned him down, in the nicest way I could. However, apparently he's been putting stuff on Facebook about me, which a friend told me about, and frankly, some of the stuff is starting to border on stalkerish. I like this guy as a friend, and I am not interested in him romantically, but it is still unsettling and sometimes I wish he would leave me alone.
Posted by C J Powers at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The ONE THING that pisses me off more than anything else in the world is evolution, and the fools who tout it as fact. The only thing that pisses me off more is the people who claim to believe both in God and in the fact that we all evolved from a random gathering of amino acids. If I recall correctly, the simplest protein in the world is 124 amino acids, and the average protein has several thousand. And if even one amino acid is off, the whole protein is useless, because its not the right protein. Apparently, if you were to try to create ribonuclease, the simplest protein in the world, by accident, the odds would be 1 in 10 to the 152 power. That's like drawing a royal flush 19 times in a row without missing a card. The chances are so frigging remote I just can't believe how idiotic some people are. Then they tell me that I came from a small organism, which spontaneously evolved into a fish, which became a frog, which turned into a lizard, which became a monkey, which became me. Um, excuse me, but there is no way I am going to believe that. The complexity of life is so intricate, so unfathomable, that there is no way I will ever believe that evolution is a plausible, no, contemplatible, theory. And that's all it is, a stupid, uneducated, full of holes theory that holds water like a sieve. And people actually believe the garbage being shoved into their brains, with no room for argument. It doesn't help that everyone who questions evolution is ridiculed and ejected from the "respectable" science community. Because evolution teaches that we are no better than animals who by a freak accident became the way we are today, there is no value for human life, and more value is placed on real animals. People spend millions of dollars to help the cute little seal get back to his natural habitat, while around the world, thousands upon thousands of children are dying from hunger and disease. Everyone needs to take a stand, because as Ezekiel 3:18-19 says:
"When I say to a wicked man, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to dissade him from his evil ways in order to save his life, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood. But if you do warn the wicked man and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his evil ways, he will die for his sin; but you will have saved yourself."
I pray to God that one day, when the heavens have opened and the trumpets resound, that I will be able to say to them, "I told you so." But more so I pray that they will find the truth, so that they will not have to suffer the torment of Hell.
Posted by C J Powers at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: my problems with society, religion, things that make me mad
Friday, May 1, 2009
I never have good ideas for titles
So I've noticed I don't exactly have that many posts on here. While no one probably cares, it bothers me because I wanted this blog in order to post my thoughts, but so far I've barely done anything. Maybe I'd do more if people commented, and no, that's not a guilt trip or anything, its just how my mind works. Then again, I sincerely doubt people are reading this thing, so what am I complaining for? I really doubt that anybody would care. Well anyway, I've done my complaining for the day, and I have to choose a dress for a dinner theatre tomorrow, so I'm gonna stop pitying myself.
Posted by C J Powers at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: random stuff, the days of blah
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Jerry Urth
Posted by C J Powers at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Jonathan Augustus
Posted by C J Powers at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Posted by C J Powers at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Eric Anneaus
Posted by C J Powers at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Aria Anneaus
Posted by C J Powers at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: character sheets, comics, Fallen Feathers comic
More Fallen Feathers stuff
Wow, it's been a while since I've posted. I guess I better get started on the whole comic thing, starting with character introductions. I have more defined characters for this thing than I think I could count, but I'll start with the main group and work from there. I don't have all of their characters sheets done, and my scanner is a stupid piece of machinery, so it may take a while. However, immediately after this, I will post the character sheets I do have done. If anyone is actually reading this, thanks for waiting.
Posted by C J Powers at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Introduction to "Fallen Feathers"
By the title, I mean the comic, not the blog. (Yes, the comic is where I got the name for the blog.) Most of the stuff I actually have drawn is just reference material and a few pages of the comic which is now obsolete and non-canon. So, I'll post an introduction to the world (storyline later to come) here.
The world is called Ursa. The continent that the story takes place on is called Argast. There are four different nations: The Mammalians, the Reptilians, the Avians, and the Aquatics(though no one knows much about the Aquatics) and they live in relative harmony. Pervading this world is magic. Among the races, there are six different classes of magic-users, each with their own abilities and distinct traits, as well as their own governor.
Demons: Demons are reclusive and rarely reveal themselves, mostly because they are feared by nearly all the Argasti. Technically, demons cannot use magic, but because of exposure to it or some other form of energy while in the womb, they have abilities that range from keeping flowers fresh to flash-boiling the water in another person's body. Because of their exposure, though, they usually have odd-colored fur and eyes. As a consequence of their unusual appearance and powers, clerics despise them and have lumped them into the same category as the demons of the Infernal Realms, despite the fact that the two are completely different. Demons live around the same length of time as normal beings, though some have lived for hundreds of years. They have a king and a queen as their governors.
Mages: Mages are the most common form of magic-user in Argast, mainly because all you need to become one is a spark of magical talent, which most people have because of intermarrying with the mage clans. While abundant, many of them are not that powerful, because the spark of magic is usually diluted the farther from the original mage bloodline it gets. However, many mages with distant magic-using relatives can turn out to be powerhouses if trained correctly. Mages are the only class where healing magic occurs naturally, and because of that healing mages are highly thought of. A high-level mage, if they are strong enough, can create a "sanctuary", a purely magic-sustained pocket space where they can retreat to rest or train, depending on the circumstances. They seem to have a long standing feud with Wizardrous for unexplained reasons. The Lord of Mages and the Lady of Mages keep the rest of them in line.
Clerics: Clerics are the only users of holy magic, although they say their powers are a gift from God and are not the feeble spells called magic that others are so fond of using. That being said, their spells mostly rely on objects, such as pendants, crystals, and mirrors, and they are devastating when cast correctly. It is physically impossible to be born a cleric, as their powers are a result of training and devotion rather than natural talent. Their monasteries are known as places of sanctuary. Clerics are ruled by their god and by their Abbots.
Druids: Druids wield the most powerful nature magic in all of Argast. It is not that their spells themselves are powerful, but the fact that they can command every stone, breeze, or wisp of flame in their vicinity, as well as their ability to summon nature spirits, that has mantained their reputation of magical powerhouses for so many years. Many of the nations are thankful that the druids are peace-loving, and have actually signed a treaty where no nation is allowed to use druids in war. A distinguishing mark of a druid is the fact that they are almost always a pure, solid color, with no markings. They also have a curious feature called "energy wings" which are basically two pieces of wood seemingly growing from the druid's back with any number of leaves suspended in the air below the wood. They are called energy wings because they change form depending on the type of nature energy is being controlled. Druids are not loners, but they do not have any sort of governing system beyond that of a master and apprentice system.
Wizardrous: Wizardrous are the odd ducks of Argast, if only for the fact that you can't predict who will be one. Wizardrous can be born from normal parents or from a Wizardrous one. Conversely, a normal being can be born from two Wizardrous parents. No one knows why this is. Once a Wizardrous hits puberty, their eye color will change from whatever it was before to a very specific shade of blue, usually with runes surrounding the pupils. The magic of a Wizardrous is determined at birth, but is only revealed when they arrive at the Wizardrous Academy and recieve their domain mark and staff. It is easy to pick out a Wizardrous in a crowd because of several things. They will always have a domain mark, either on the forehead or on their left cheek below their eye, as well as a staff with some sort of symbol on it. Usually, they will be wearing some sort of robe, although many younger Wizardrous prefer normal clothing. Wizardrous spells, the second most powerful in Argast, are usually textbook learned things, but to graduate they must create a spell all their own. Wizardrous, if left alone and not killed, live for exactly 1,000 years and are ruled by a council of two members from each domain and sub-domain.
Seraphs: Seraphs are the most powerful magic-users in Argast. A single Seraph was rumored to have destroyed half the Avian army with one spell. However, no one worries about seeing one because half of all known Seraphs were slaughtered ten years ago by a mysterious person, and since that time, the rest of them have retreated to the Upper Realms, their home plane. Rumors of surviving Seraphs and half-breeds have circulated, but hardly anyone believes it and those that do cannot prove it. Seraphs are easily distinguishable because of their wings, the feathers of which are said to posess magical properties. Their tears can heal any disease and they are the only ones who can create and forge Seraphsteel, an metal that is virtually unbreakable. Since no one ever went to the Upper Realms besides the Seraphs, no one knows how they are governed.
Okay, so those are the classes in Argast. They are all my ideas, but especially the Wizardrous and Seraphs, so please do not steal any of them. Eventually I'll get some pictures up here so you can see who the characters are and what the classes look like. I've got like two intro pages done, so soon I'll get those up.
Posted by C J Powers at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: comics, Fallen Feathers comic
Today is blah
Today is just blah. I don't know why, but I just don't feel like doing anything. I'll start something, then break off to stare at the ceiling for like, fifteen minutes. However, I will be doing something here later, about the comic I was talking about. Probably no one will read it. Heck, I doubt if anyone will even read this blog, but I want to post this comic so I will.
See ya in a bit!
Posted by C J Powers at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: random stuff, the days of blah
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My Birthday
My birthday was yesterday, so now I am one year older. We were going to go up to the city to eat dinner and see a movie, but wouldn't you know it, it snowed. Big-time. So instead, we are going today, so happy belated birthday to me!
Posted by C J Powers at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: random stuff
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sundays are usually pretty active for us, though I would prefer a slower day and the chance to take a nap. In the morning, we go to church, which is pretty good, though I'm still adjusting from a Presbyterian church to a Baptist one. Anyway, we then eat lunch, either at home or on the way to some outside activity where we hike or something. Usually, it's pretty fun, but if its cold or windy, not so much. Then, my dad and I go back to the church where we practice with the choir, then back home for dinner, and finally I go back to the church for my youth group.
It's not so bad, but it's a little tiring. Now I'm going to go take a nap.
Posted by C J Powers at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: life is busy
Friday, February 27, 2009
Music is the soul of the world
I really love music, whether playing it, singing it, or just listening to it. I believe that it is the sould of the world, as I stated in the title, because everyone loves music. Everyone sings. We all use music to express ourselves in some way, though often that way isn't glorifying to God. For my part, I love any kind of music that has a tune I can sing along to, great words, and just plain sounds good. For the most part, that excludes most secular music, which I really, really don't like. So mostly I stick to Christian music and classical.
When I play music, I do Christian stuff, because I don't know how to do anything else. Currently, I can only play guitar and I can plunk out a tune on the piano, but I would love to learn real piano playing and violin, but since I live in a small town, there are no violin teachers in town, though there is one an hour's drive away. I love to sing too, and almost everyone who hears me sing tells me I have a beautiful voice, which is nice to hear. I'm not bragging, sorry if it seems that way, I'm just happy that people think I sound good.
Posted by C J Powers at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Skeeter and Scylla
So, I have two dogs, and their names are Skeeter and Scylla. We aren't quite sure what Skeeter is, because he's a mutt from the pound, but everyone who sees him says that he's a beautiful dog, and we suspect he is part collie and part terrier of some kind. Recently he killed a mouse, so that's where we think the terrier comes in. He's way smaller than Scylla, who is a pure-bred Rhodesian Ridgeback, and he is the sweetest dog in the world, even though he's a little too submissive. (He flips over onto his back whenever you try to pet him. It's annoying.) I think his favorite person in my family is me, since he will always come when I call him and he likes to sit next to me.
Scylla, on the other hand, is just as stubborn as Skeeter is sweet. She is also a beautiful dog, and very smart, but she's extremely thick-headed about certain things. For instance, she ran into barbed wire and gouged this hole in her leg, so now she has this enormous scar, and she was eating chicken bones out of the garbage can recently. She's also pretty sweet too, and a huge moocher. Since she's a hound dog, she has that mournful expression that makes you want to hug her, and she's rather patient, to a degree. She's only about a year old, so she loves to play, but Skeeter is older than her (four years old) and doesn't always want to go along with it.
They are decent guard dogs, with Scylla barking at you if you come up the stairs and she doesn't remember that you have been in the house since the morning, and Skeeter barks at squirrels and random people passing by the house. The only problem with this is that Skeeter veritably screams when he barks, and Scylla's bark is this really deep "Buhf" sound, and they will continue with their expression of displeasure long after the object in question has left their sight.
They really love chasing deer, though Skeeter was once almost killed by one when it turned on him and started chasing him. Scylla doesn't chase them much since she's a coward. We usually have to keep them on leashes because otherwise they'll run off and won't come back for at least a half hour no matter how much you call them.
But, no matter how much they annoy me, I still love them and there's nothing better than cuddling up to a warm sleeping dog.
Posted by C J Powers at 3:43 PM 0 comments
My book
Most people don't know this about me, but I am in fact a writer. As a matter of fact, I just finished the first draft of my first book, and I am going through it and improving it as I go. I think the reason most people don't know that I write is because I'm so shy about it. I really don't enjoy speaking about my writing, because I never feel I know how to express it.
For example, my book is about a girl who falls through an enchanted gate into a world where she is a prophesied warrior, and she must defeat the leader of the demons in order to restore peace to the world.
Now, if I had tried to say that out loud, I doubt it would have sounded as good. I just don't enjoy talking about my writing, which is something I'll have to get over.
I really enjoy writing though. I have several other ideas for stories and novels, which I have just jotted down. Perhaps eventually people might want to read more about my books, but for now, I'm unknown. Which I think is good.
Posted by C J Powers at 3:30 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Hey people
Though I sound kind of serious, I'm really a kooky person. Thus, I will be posting little weird things here and there, like a comic strip I've been working on and random things that I find funny.
Feel free to laugh.
Posted by C J Powers at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: about me, about the blog, comics
Thursday, February 19, 2009
It really makes me sad
It has always depressed me when I look at how far our society has fallen in terms of beauty. It's as if no one can be "beautiful" unless they are so skinny they are practically skeletons. It drives so many already beautiful girls to do such desperate things, like anorexia and bulimia. Everyone is overly obsessed with their weight. I'm not saying that we shouldn't care about ourselves, but rather that we should look at ourselves in a realistic light. We will never be as skinny as those supermodels; I mean, let's face it, they have ribs removed in order to look like that.
It would be wonderful if everyone could see what they look like through God's eyes, because then we would realize that everyone is the most beautiful person in the world.
Posted by C J Powers at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: my problems with society, things that make me mad, thoughts on God
Welcome to Fallen Feathers
Hi, and welcome to Fallen Feathers. Mostly, I will be posting my thoughts on life, faith, family, and the occasional thought on chocolate. While some of my views may differ from yours, please keep any and all comments civil.
As to the name of this blog, it is a whimsical idea I had where our thoughts are like little fallen feathers that we save and admire when we are in the mood to do so.
I hope you enjoy reading.
Posted by C J Powers at 4:21 PM 0 comments